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My first love is still writing—creative direction/producing a close second.

At 17 I had my real estate sales license working for my parents company Meroke Realty, named after the Meroke Indians—the local Long Island chapter of the Algonquins which later became the town of Merrick.


I regarded the family business the same way Jimmy Stewart did the Building and Loan in It's a Wonderful Life, all too aware of the glamorous? careers my parents had before they entered Real Estate: My mom was Charles Revson's (of Revlon) secretary, and later started her own cosmetics business. My dad was in advertising, and could have been the model for Don Draper in era, agencies, accounts and looks. On my 5th birthday my friends were treated to a screening of Duck & Cover, the civil defense film my father directed for Archer Productions, then the largest independent production company in NYC. We liked the animated turtle, Bert.


I moved to NYC after college, and waited tables at The Marriott Marquis. I played guitar in a succesful NYC band, The Niagaras, for 8 years (they went on to play for another 13). I wrote, directed and performed at different theaters, the highlight being the one man show Saturn Returns at the Harold Clurman on Theater Row.

I was in a commercial with Joey from Friends. I mentored three 21-year olds, as well as taught computer graphics and survival skills at Covenant House. I was Producing Director for The 42nd St. Collective (Formerly Playwrights Horizons). I attended the NY Film academy, and wrote, directed and performed in a short film. I was an accountant at at age 23 at KPMG in the "suspense" department for one year.


During that time I parlayed New School courses into graphic production temp gigs at multiple companies, often baptized by fire, which only inspired me to work harder. After journey-manning for several companies, I got my first full-time graphic design job at Simon & Schuster designing maps in the Gulf and western Building (now Trump International hotel). The building was, as described by the New York Times, "bedeviled by a reputation for swaying noticeably in the wind". Cue resume.

"Your resume will not be hitting a human being's hands first" 

                                                   Orientation presenter at NYS Division of Employment, explaining the algorythms of job search engines

I come fully formed. The paths I've chosen have broadened, toughened, educated, and sharpened my skills in a way that working for one company could never have done. I'm ready to lend my expertise and perform small miracles for whoever recognizes the irony of the quote above and wants me on their island. I crave a team-oriented work environment with an emphasis on the creative execution of real-life business goals.

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